Common Questions for caregivers and family members.
1. How can I see available caregivers?
Download our mobile app and create your account. Then you will see the option "Find a caregiver" where it will ask you to enter the services you want, the itinerary and location. You will then see the list of available sitters and their prices. If you do not see available caregivers, you can send us a message on WhatsApp or call us at 787-330-0180 or 787-434-3309.
2. Is the app used only for temporary care?
No, in our app you can have a long-term caregiver, you notify our team and you are established with the caregiver. In our app it will only allow you to book up to a maximum of one week since our payment system works weekly, however that does not mean that the caregiver will change week to week. Only payment (reservation) is made weekly.
3. What are the costs? Does it vary by services and/or daily vs. night shift?
The cost at MK Care does not vary by services or type of shift, it only varies by the type of caregiver. Each caregiver assigns their hourly cost and it is verified with our team according to their profession, qualifications, experience and market. We show you the ranges we have in our app:
- Caregivers with basic knowledge start at $10/hr: These are caregivers with basic skills for the direct care of patients with 0-4 years of experience. They do not have any accredited and current certification for the care of older adults. Typically housekeepers or nursing students starting out as professional caregivers.
- Caregivers with intermediate knowledge start at $12/hr: They are caregivers with more advanced skills in caring for patients, have been practicing in the field for 5-9 years and have experience with at least 2-3 types of patients. Typically practical/graduate nurses and/or housekeepers with current senior care certifications.
- Caregivers with advanced knowledge start at $15/hr: These are caregivers with a range of experiences with different types of patients (e.g. trach, ventilator, gastro, cancer patients, etc.) and with more than 10 years practicing in the field. Typically practical or graduate nurses who have a current nursing license and/or housekeepers with at least 3 current specialty certifications.
4. What happens if a caregiver cannot attend the service?
Our team reimburses you for hours not worked and if you need a replacement, we assist you in finding another replacement caregiver.
5. Is it possible to pay in cash or by mobile phone?
We do not accept cash payments for security reasons. All payments are made through our app or Invoice where you pay with any Visa or Mastercard card. At the moment we do not have “ATH Movil” from the BPPR system. We can accommodate payments by direct deposit.
6. Does MK Care verify caregivers?
Yes, all caregivers have to go through our rigid process before being approved, which involves a series of interviews and document verification. All caregivers are required to have in force: Law 300 or MK Care Background Check, Certificate of Good Conduct, Health Certificate, Photo Identification and CPR.